Diary of a Ghost: A Strange Place

Samuel Odekunle
4 min readSep 11, 2024
Photo by Steve Johnson: https://www.pexels.com/photo/1843717/

I woke up feeling nothing, absolutely nothing. But wait a minute, I don’t recall being asleep. And as a matter of fact, I haven’t the faintest clue of where I am?

“Where am I?” I think it, or did I say it. This is weird!

I look around to see if I can make sense of my surroundings. It’s all just plain white. I can’t tell if I’m floating or standing on a white floor in the middle of a white room. Its just so…white!

What’s that sound? Did I hear it or did I feel it? or is it both? it seems to be coming from everywhere and yet, nowhere. It sounds, feels, like the thumping of a heartbeat with a regular cadence to it. Maybe its my heart.

I look down at my chest, but there’s nothing there. Hang on! where’s my body??

Interestingly enough, I’m not really scared or worried, maybe a little perplexed at my current predicament. A predicament I am yet to define. You see, as far as I can tell, I have no body and I am no where. I don’t really know who I am, when I think about it. Thats funny because I have this thing when, you know some thing and its on the tip of your tongue but its just not coming out. Well, that’s the same for me right now, except where you might have a tongue…I’ve got nothing. And yes, I know you are there reading this.

Don’t worry, this is equally a new experience for me too. So you and I are going to make the best of it.

I look around again, or at least I think I look around, I can’t be too sure. Remember that beating sound I told you about…its still there. Not getting louder or softer, it just hangs there “thump! thump! thump!”.

I try to move forward, I feel like I am moving forward but I really can’t see any change but something is happening…

“You there!” A voice calls out to me. “Hey you! Yes you! what do you think you are doing?”

There’s someone else here…

“ummm Hello there.” I bet if I had a face I’d be wearing a puzzled look “where and who are you?”

“I’m right here, I’m Horace. Whats your name?”

Well, that’s an interesting question.

“Umm, Horace…”

“Your name is UmmHorace?? that’s a weird name”

“No no no, that’s not my name Horace!” I think I’m shaking my head here. “The truth is I don’t know my name, quite frankly, I don’t know anything at the moment, I don’t know where I am…its all very strange!”

“Wait a minute…Are you new here?” I sensed the excitement in his voice

“If here is somewhere, then I guess so”

“Well that explains a lot UmmHorace!”

It went quiet, and for what seemed an eternity or maybe it was just a minute because I truly don’t know.


He’s back! and a reluctantly respond to my temporary name “Yes Horace!”

“Ok, so here’s the problem, you didn’t quite…arrive properly. This is not unusual but I needed to get someone more….er.. experienced to...er… to help!”

Ok, I wasn’t aware I needed help and what’s all this talk about arriving surely if I were on some kind of trip I’d know. Wait! is this a dream? I’ve heard about lucid dreams before…or have I??

“Sure thing Horace! I’ll just wait here for instructions on what to do”

“Hellooo!!!” a deep yet louder voice boom through the ‘room’ I had decided I was sitting in. “I am Arch-Prime Dulley, I will be your guide through the arrival zone.”

“Hello, Mr. Dulley! And thanks for the help… I guess” This was getting all too weird but I played along because quite frankly I was getting a bit tired with all the white around me.

“ummHorace, I need you to imagine yourself taking a long deep breath….”

I did just as the voice said, then Pop!

There as a loud popping sound and the thumping disappeared. Now I was sat on a white sofa in a room packed full of people wearing white, just like i was. Oh Fabulous, I have a body now!

Two men stood looking down at me. The younger one was wearing a white suit and the other man, who looked much older wore what looked like a judges robe — all white.

“Welcome!” the older guy said “Sorry about that, we usually expect arrivals to go a lot smoother than that but once in a while…well.. it doesn’t. I’m Dulley” He stretched out his hand which I accepted.

“Nice to meet you I guess….although I can’t seem to remember my name”

“Oh that’s normal…”

“Wait I thought your name was UmmHorace??” the younger guy interjected. Dulley cast him a side glance which spoke volumes

“Oh Horace….” turning to me He continued “That’s ok young man, We can get you a new one until you remember….how about we call you Tim?”

“Tim Sounds good enough” realising I couldn’t even think of other options for names. Such a strange feeling not remembering anything.

“Dulley, forgive me but where am I?”

“oh yes, You’ve not been brought up to speed, please come with me and all will become clear shortly” He started walking away and I noticed there still wasn’t a floor, we were all just floating moreorless.

This is a Strange place.

