Diary of a Ghost: I died!!

Samuel Odekunle
5 min read1 hour ago
Photo by gdtography: https://www.pexels.com/photo/long-exposure-photography-white-dome-building-interior-911758/

I followed Dulley, or at least I think I did. It felt like I was floating rather than walking, which makes sense since there was no visible floor. The room — or whatever this place was — had no walls either, just an infinite expanse of white. Even the people around me seemed to blend into the endless nothingness. Yet, there was an odd comfort in it, as if the strange familiarity of this white void was meant to put me at ease. Or maybe it was just Dulley’s calm demeanor that made everything seem less… terrifying.

“So, Tim,” Dulley began, his voice echoing around us. “You’re probably wondering why you’re here.”

“Uh, yeah,” I replied, though I wasn’t sure if my voice came from my mouth or just materialized in the space between us. “Am I… dead?”

Dulley chuckled softly. “That’s one way to look at it, but not exactly. You see, Tim, you’re in the In-Between.”

“The In-Between?” I repeated, trying to wrap my head around the concept. “Between what?”

“Between what was and what will be,” Dulley said, glancing over his shoulder at me. “This is where all souls come when they leave their physical bodies. Some call it Limbo, others the Waiting Room. But here, we call it the In-Between. It’s where you decide what happens next.”

